Important Court Books

AuthorNadine C. Atkinson-Flowers
 
the day starts in the courtroom and after the day ends there, much has to be done to ensure that the actual
court day operates smoothly.
     
Parish Court system.
Terms _________________________________________
Court Diaries
Transfer Books
Daily Process Book
Bailiff Book
Value Book
Commitment Book
Appeals Register
Court Sheet
Each court has a court sheet when there are multiple courts on a court building. Where there are several
           
The court sheet is a book in which the Judge of the Parish Court records all the relevant information regarding
all of the matters before the Court. Only a Judge of the Parish Court has the authority to write in, add, or
change anything in the allotted section of the court sheet unless there are exceptional circumstances. The
various matters are written in before the court day starts by the assistant clerk. The order in the court sheet
Important Court Books
Chapter 20

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