
AuthorKaren Nunez-Tesheira
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It has been five years since the publication of the first edition of Non-
Contentious Probate Practice and Procedure in the English-Speaking Caribbean.
Since that date, several radical and fundamental changes have been made
to the probate procedural and/or substantive probate laws of three of the
territories considered in the text.
In the case of Jamaica, commencing January 1, 2003, new probate
rules were passed, replacing rules which date back to the nineteenth century.
The Bahamas has also experienced nothing short of a revolution with
regards — to its substantive probate laws — laws which in some instances
were over four centuries old. Since 2000, the real and personal estate of an
intestate has been assimilated for inheritance purposes, and the child born
out of wedlock to an intestate father now has the same rights of inheritance
as a child born out of wedlock.
In the case of Trinidad & Tobago, the classes of persons entitled to
apply for family provisions have been expanded by the passage of Part VIII
of the Succession Act, 1981 as amended by the Distribution of Estates Act
28/2000, to include inter alia, a child of the family and a co-habitant. The
Administration of Estates Ordinance Ch. 8 No. 1 has also been amended
so as to include new categories of beneficiaries, most, notable of which is
the co-habitant.
Clearly the last five years has witnessed a number of far-reaching changes
made to the succession law, both substantive and procedural, of the above-
mentioned countries.
These changes in fact prompted, if not necessitated, the writing of a
second edition, but they also provided an opportunity to rewrite the text
and expand on areas when it was felt there was a further need for development
and more in-depth treatment. In this regard, it is hoped that the second
edition will prove to be of assistance, not only to students of the law, but
more particularly to probate practictioners in the English-speaking

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