Non-Contentious Probate Practice in the English Speaking Caribbean
- Publisher:
- Ian Randle Publishers Ltd
- Publication date:
- 2013-09-21
- Authors:
- Karen Nunez-Tesheira
- 978-976-8167-76-7
Non-Contentious Probate Practice in the English-Speaking Caribbean is widely acclaimed by students and practitioners as an indispensable guide to probate practice and procedure in the Caribbean. This second edition brings the book up to date with the current law and practice by incorporating the major changes that have taken place since the book was first published in 1998. All legislative and procedural changes are dealt with, most notably the Civil Procedure Rules 2002 in Jamaica, the Supreme Court Act, Administrative of Estate Act and the Wills Act in The Bahamas and the Distribution of Estate Act in Trinidad & Tobago, all of which have had significant impact on succession practice in these territories. As before, the book covers the core areas of probate practice and provides a clear, comprehensive exposition of succession law and a practical guide to the fundamentals of probate practice and procedure.
- Table of Abbreviations
- Index
- Preface
- Preface to the Second Edition
- Table of Succession and Related Statutes
- Introduction
- Wills
- Wills Cont'd
- Grants of Representation
- Practice and Procedure with respect to Obtaining Grants of Representation
- Grants of Probate
- Grants of letters of Administration with Will Annexed
- Grants of Letters of Administration Preliminary Considerations
- Grants of Letters of Administration
- Small Estates, Nil Estates, Unrepresented Estates
- Stamp and Estate Duty
- Administration Bond/ Surety Guarantee
- Minority and Life Interest and Second Administrators
- Appendix 11: Rules under the Probates (Re-sealing) Law, 1936
- Grants to Trust Corporations, Non-Trust Corporations and the Public Trustee
- Commorientes
- Limited Grants
- Limited Grants cont'd
- Leave to Swear Death
- Second or Subsequent Grants of Representation
- Resealing of Grants
- Renunciation and Retraction
- Amendment and Notation of Grants
- Revocation and Impounding of Grants
- Caveats/ Cautions
- Citation Proceedings
- Family Provision
- Cost and Fees
- Appendix 1: Non-contentious Probate Business Rules
- Deceased Dying Domiciled outside Jurisdiction
- Preliminary Sections