
AuthorProf. Kenneth O. Hall and Myrtle Chuck-A-Sang
The collection of articles offers a variety of perspectives on some key
issues for CARICOM. These are the ever-present probability of intervention,
military and otherwise, in the internal affairs of member states and in the
Community at large; border and maritime disputes which have already
revealed a potential for serious contention among member states. While some
of these disputes have been inherited from the colonial past, they fall at the
present time almost entirely within the Community’s responsibility for
attention and decision-making.
Since the Community already is engaged in myriad issues relating to its
security and physical survival in a volatile global environment, the issues
discussed pose the imperatives of expeditious and practical resolution of
disputes among member states that can avoid acrimony. The submissions
underline the value of finding consensus. If the Community is to have the
space vital for its concentration on externally based problems in the
international trading and financial regime, it can ill afford the exhibition of
a fractious and discordant group and preempt any untoward external
The collection of papers is largely from scholars who are citizens of
CARICOM and who are recognized by their work and general contribution
in the particular fields. Where a paper has been published some years ago, it
has been reproduced because of its continuing relevance to contemporary
scholarship and to the continuing search for solution.
The Joint Legal Opinion on Guatemala’s territorial claim to Belize is
included for its precise and instructive examination of the case. The Opinion

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