Managing the Ageing Workforce: Some Insights from the Jamaican Experience

AuthorDenise Eldemire-Shearer
Managing the Ageing Workforce:
Some Insights from the
Jamaican Experience
Ageing is a process that all living organisms have to go through. While,
ageing is inevitable, the chronic disabling physical and social conditions
that can accompany it are preventable. For this, if for no other reason, it is
important to focus attention on the ageing process. However, a related
consideration, which is often overlooked, is that ageing is not just a physical
phenomenon but has social, psychological and economic dimensions as well.
It is the balance of these factors, interacting together, which determines whether
or not an individual experiences successful ageing. The economic context in
which ageing takes place, for example, is of critical importance, one aspect of
this economic context, is the work environment.
In this chapter, I will examine ageing and its relationships to the
workplace. I begin by examining some broad considerations relating to ageing
in general and to the demographics of ageing in the Jamaican context. I then
turn to consider some of the key workforce implications of ageing. This
discussion covers three central issues: health, the economic dimensions of
ageing and the social dimensions of ageing. A brief discussion of issues relating
to the age of retirement is carried out and then the chapter ends with some
general conclusions and recommendations about health and work.
Discussions of the ageing of the population often focus on a picture of
feeble dependent old people unable to contribute much to the society, to
their families or to their own well-being. This is not an accurate picture of old
age and the older population, and a focus on ageing will not only help to
clarify this misleading picture, but to direct attention to the factors that must
be considered if we are to promote successful ageing among a larger proportion
of the population.
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