
AuthorGeorge Belnavis
ProfessionAttorney-at-law of over 30 years practice at both the Public and Private Bar and is currently Senior Tutor II at the Norman Manley Law School, Kingston, where he has taught for nearly 20 years
Table of Cases / xiii
This book describes and analyses the law on criminal practice and
procedure in some of the Commonwealth Caribbean Countries as at
November, 2008.
The jurisdictions whose laws have been detailed include:
Antigua and Barbuda
The Bahamas
Saint Christopher and Nevis
Saint Lucia; and
Trinidad and Tobago.
Countries such as Anguilla, Dominica , Guyana, Saint Vincent and The
Grenadines were not included because initially the materials in relation to
them were not readily available. Hopefully, a later edition will include
these countries.
Intended primarily for law students and legal practitioners generally,
Magistrates, Lay Magistrates and Police Officers will also find the
information useful.
This book was inspired by the paucity of written material in the
Commonwealth Caribbean on criminal practice and procedure and
comprises some 10 chapters beginning with initiating the proceedings
through to appeals. Though the statutory references are extensive, they are
not always verbatim and practitioners and students alike are directed to
read the law themselves.
The procedure in the Magistrates’ Courts have generally remained the
same over the past decade, with a few significant developments. The
Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago have all passed Bail
Acts which are fundamentally based on the 1976 English Bail Act. Saint
Lucia does not have a separate Bail Act but has included in its 2004 Criminal
Code extensive provisions codifying the principles relating to Bail. They
are similar to the Barbados Bail Act.
Committal proceedings in the Commonwealth Caribbean consists of
two types: One where the examining Magistrate considers all of the evidence
and decides at the end whether the accused should be committed to trial;

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