Author | Kenneth Hall/Denis Benn |
Profession | Pro Vice Chancellor and Principal, University of the West Indies, Mona/Michael Manley Professor of Public Affairs and Public Policy, University of the West Indies, Mona |
Pages | 329-341 |
Index 329
Abrams, Elliot, 22, 290
Accreditation Regional Mechanism, 157
ACP–EU, xiv, 225, 282
ACUNS, 296
Administrative reform, 117
Adult Suffrage, 60
Afghanistan, 24, 312
Africa, 275,
Growth and Opportunity Act, 224
African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP), xii,
238, 307
Agenda for Development, 274
Agriculture, xii, 4, 137, 171, 197, 325
AIC Group, 121
AIC/NCB, 161
Alien Landholding, 189
Acts, 193
Controls, 189
Alleyne, Mervyn, 31
Alliance of Small Island Developing
Countries and
Low Lying Coastal States (AOSIS), 276,
Alumina, 141
American power, 289. See also USA
ANDEAN Group, xxiv, 154, 253, 275
Angostura (T&T), 194
Anglophone Caribbean, 135
Anguilla, 127
Annan, Kofi, 292, 296, 305
Anti-Dumping and Subsidies Commission of
Antigua and Barbuda, xv, 26, 67, 179
Prime Minister, 324
Aotearoa, 22
Arawak Cement, 184
Archer/Gomes et al. Report, 103, 324
Armstrong, K., xvi
Arthur, Owen, 144, 305
Aruba, 179
Asia, 271, 275, 277
Asian Crisis, 308, 313, 317
Assembly of Caribbean Community
Parliamentarians, 8, 63, 92, 93, 115, 121, 324
Asset Management, 183
Associated Brands, 181
Association of Caribbean States, xiv, 283
Association of Caribbean Tertiary
Institutions (ACTI), 157
Association of sovereign states, xx, 107. See
also Community of Sovereign States
Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, 24
Australia, 172
Axis of Evil, 314
Baghdad, 312
Bahamas, xiv, xv, 4, 67, 139, 152, 157, 173,
178–180, 191
Prime Minister, 305
Stock Exchange, 174
Bananas, 98, 213, 226, 313, 314
Baracara Island (Guyana), 275
Barbados, xiii, xv, xxii, 4, 28, 68, 114, 121, 135,
136, 138, 139, 141, 144, 155–157, 159, 174,
178, 183–185, 187, 189, 191, 290
Prime Minister, 324
Barbados Shipping and Trading, 161, 179, 187
Bargaining, xvi
Distributive, xvi
Integrative, xvi
Bauxite–alumina, vii, 141, 177
Beatles, 57
Beijing, 238, 310
Belize, 4, 68, 69, 174, 180, 195
Development Finance Corporation, 190
Prime Minister, 290
Bellamy, G., 109
Benn, Denis, 58, 120
Bennett, Louise, 31–33, 35, 37, 40, 43–46, 49,
Berlin Wall, 308, 309
Bermuda, 127, 157
Bermudez, 181, 184
Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT), xxiv, 253,
254, 259
Biomass, 220
Biotechnology, 220
Blackman, Courtney, 198
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