Appendix 5. Energy Cooperation Agreement PetroCaribe Signed at Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, 29 June 2005

AuthorUWI-CARICOM Project
We, the Heads of State and / or Government, gathered in the City of
Puerto la Cruz, Venezuela, within the framework of the Energy Meeting for
the creation of PETROCARIBE:
1. WELCOME the initiative of the President of the Bolivarian Republic
of Venezuela for the creation of PETROCARIBE, the fundamental
objective of which is to contribute to the energy security, the social
and economic development and the integration of the Countries of
the Caribbean through the sovereign use of energy resources based
entirely on the principles for integration referred to as the Bolivarian
Alternative for the Americas (ALBA);
2. RATIFY the commitments assumed at the First Meeting of Energy
Ministers of the Caribbean held in Caracas, Venezuela, on 10 July
2004 and at the Second PETROCARIBE Meeting of Energy Ministers
held in Montego Bay, Jamaica, from 26 to 27 August 2004;
3. AGREE that, for the Latin American and the Caribbean region,
integration is an essential condition for striving to achieve
development in the midst of the increasing creation of large regional
blocks occupying major positions in the world economy;
4. CONCLUDE that only integration based on cooperation, solidarity
and the common will to advance to higher levels of development
can help fulfil the needs and aspirations of the peoples of Latin America
and the Caribbean while allowing them to preserve their
independence, sovereignty and identity;
5. REITERATE that the objective of PETROCARIBE is to help in the
transformation of Latin American and Caribbean societies by making
them fairer, more educated, participatory and harmonious nations.
For this reason, PETROCARIBE has been conceived as an integral
process intended to promote the eradication of social inequalities
and to foster improved living standards and more effective
participation by nations in their efforts to shape their own destiny;
6. RECOGNISE the need to adopt measures, within the context of
PETROCARIBE, based on a special and differentiated treatment for
the Latin American and the Caribbean countries exhibiting less
relative development, and on complementarity and cooperation
between the countries of the region;

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