Author | Noel Cowell/Clement Branche |
Pages | 14-15 |
It is generally true that when work is carried out in a university context, it
can seldom be claimed exclusively by a single person. This is certainly the
case with respect to this volume, which reflects the input of a large number of
people from the community of health, education and industrial relations
practitioners. The volume is comprised of papers presented and/or submitted
for the Mona Academic Conference 2000. This conference takes place annually
as a project of the Office of the Principal of the Mona Campus. The organisers
of the conference are therefore grateful not only for financial input but the
guidance and logistic support provided by that office.
The planning process involved extensive collaboration across a number
of departments at the university. The principal organiser was located in the
Department of Economics during the period when the conference was being
planned and it would have been impossible if the Head of Economics, Dr
Michael Witter had not put his administrative structure as well as his
considerable managerial and academic insights at the disposal of the planning
committee. His staff, in particular Olivene Thomas, went significantly beyond
the call of duty in order to ensure the success of the conference.
The conference was billed as a celebration of the 25th anniversary of
Jamaica's Industrial Disputes Tribunal and therefore involved the collaboration
of the Ministry of Labour. Among other things, the ministry contributed the
services of Ms Odette Reynolds who provided sterling support from beginning
to end.
In conceptualising the project, the organisers sought and received the
advice of a number of persons. Those from the University of the West Indies
include: Professor Dennis Benn, Michael Manley Professor, Public Policy
and Public Affairs; Dr Patricia Anderson, Head, Department of Sociology
and Social Work; Professor Lawrence Carrington, Director, School of
Continuing Studies; Professor Edwin Jones of the Department of Government,
Professor Errol Miller, Director of the Institute of Education; Professor Errol
Morrison, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Graduate Studies and Research; Professor
Trevor Munroe of the Department of Government; and Ms. Marva Phillips
of the Trade Union Education Institute. Our advisors from outside of the
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